Reach new customers
with online ads.

Reach your customers with targeted advertisements in search results like on Google or Bing, or on specific websites. We help you setup and manage the ads for the highest return on ad spent.

or talk with us about your challenges.

Although the internet is worldwide, with online ads you can set specific targeting for the region, language or interest that match with your customers.

Keep full control of your budget. Set a limit per day or per month and fully stop whenever you want to. Please keep in mind that a wider targeting requires a larger budget.

The most important part of advertising is that it brings more business. With online ads you can fully track behaviour, so we know exactly what performs and what doesn’t.

How we run ad campaigns

Running ads on any network is a 2-step proces: first we design the campaigns and setup the account. Secondly we follow-up and adjust the campaigns for the highest return.

1. Campaign design

In general it is a one-time thing to setup the ad campaigns. This includes the structure of the topics, defining the targeting and setting an appropriate budget. We also choose keywords and design the ad assets like the texts and images.

One-time formula

2. Manage and adjust ads

It is an ongoing process to optimise the ads for the highest return on investment (ROI). We make adjustments to improve the quality and visibility of the ads while working towards the highest value for every euro spent.

Monthly formula (cancellable each month)

Different approaches
for different goals.

There are a lot of online networks available to advertise on. Depending on where your customers are and on the goals and your budget, we can use one or more of these networks.

Please find below some examples of what we can offer.

Advertise in the search results of Google when someone searches for your products or services.

Suitable for:
Ecommerce, B2C, B2B, companies that sell any kind of product or service

Show an ad in the search results of Bing, the search engine from Microsoft, when someone searches for your product or services.

Suitable for:
Ecommerce, B2C, B2B, companies that sell any kind of product or service

Place an ad next to the search results of specialised or discerned search engine like DuckDuckGo.

Suitable for:
Companies targeting technical or privacy concerned customers

Show an ad on websites that provide space for ads, like news websites or forums.

Suitable for:
Extend the branding of your company or raise awareness

Advertise on the largest video platform in the world by showing your video ad to potential customers.

Suitable for:
Extend the branding of your company, showcase your products and services or raise awareness

Show your products in prominent places together with several details like an image, the price or other attributes.

Suitable for:
Ecommerce, companies that sell any kind of product online

Reach people a second time when they meet specific conditions. E.g. show an ad to everyone who visited your website, but didn’t make a purchase.

Suitable for:
Ecommerce, B2B, companies that sell services which take some time to decide on

Target your customers based on interest, jobs, age or other demographics through LinkedIn, Meta, Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), YouTube or TikTok.

Suitable for:
Extend the branding of your company, showcase your products and services or raise awareness

Show an ad in the suggestions someone gets based on their interests. This can either be text, image or video.

Suitable for:
Raise awareness, showcase your knowledge, build authority and trust

We’ve already impacted with ads for

What about the costs?

To advertise online, there are typically 2 types of costs:

  1. The first cost is for when someone clicks on your ad. At that point you will pay something to the network you advertise on, for example Google, Microsoft or Facebook. The amount you pay depends on your biddings, position or type of placement. Idealy you’ll pay this cost directly to the network (Google, Facebook, …).
  2. The second cost is for the work we do. In most cases this is a fixed price, which in the end translates to the amount of time we will spend on the campaigns. For this you will receive an invoice from us.

no strings, no obligations, just a conversation